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Name : Prabeer Barpanda
Date : 8/3/2002 11:36:08 PM
Remarks : in the hectic life of passion, it is difficult to truly realise the value of goodness. once u realise it truly, spiritual success is an exponential process.
Name : hrishikesh
Date : 8/2/2002 9:08:07 AM
Remarks : i m regular visitor of math in pune .i like website of chennai math. it is really informative,specially article section.
Name : Dr.A.K.srinivasan
Date : 7/29/2002 10:03:12 AM
Remarks : The website is wonderful. The opening page is wondrerful.Photos are nice.Jai Sri guru maharaj ki !! Jai Sri Mahamayee ki!! Jai Sri Swamijimaharaji ki! Jai Sri Durga mayee ki!! Jai Sri Krishnaveni ma ki !!
Name : mvrmohan
Date : 7/28/2002 1:45:24 AM
Remarks : i love rk mission activities every sunday morning i with my friends attend rk mission from 6am to 9am , in VISAKHAPATNAM. our maharaj teach us everything for our wellbeing. IAM VERY THANKFUL TO RK MISSION, & I PROMISE TO DO WELL TO OUR BEAUTIFUL INDIA. THANK U mv ramamohan (3rd mbbs) visakhapatnan AP
Name : Balu Ramakrishnan
Date : 7/24/2002 8:44:46 AM
Remarks : The website is wonderful and mind soothing. I have a suggestion for a bookserver. When I buy books it is very difficult to carry around places. So if the math can create profiles for members and add e-books that I buy from the math, I can read them wherever I go. I would like to consider this idea.
Name : mallikarjuna rao
Date : 7/24/2002 1:22:56 AM
Remarks : I am very happy to browse through the website and this site is indeed a pleasure to visit and learn from.By seeing vivekananda photos I got inspired evry time.
Name : Subby and Seeta Subramanyam
Date : 7/20/2002 12:30:42 PM
Remarks : We were happy to browse through the Chennai website and this site is indeed a pleasure to visit and learn from. We have two suggestions for the website: 1. We have to guess and try through the web pages, to see the pictures of the buildings and the location of the Math, and finally these could be found in the "Activities," listings under the various months. 2. There are many Ramakrishna Maths and centers, right in Chennai area; we did not know which was the main center in Chennai. We had to guess, by the Road name. We request that you include the location, address, and the map and directions to the Center from the airport as well as the Railway station.and please provide the link or the hover button to the location and map right on the Home page. Thanks, Subby and Seeta Subramanyam Spring, Texas, USA We are tourists from the USA and people like us would be confused too, we are sure.
Name : S.Ganesan
Date : 7/18/2002 12:10:56 AM
Remarks : The opening page is indeed more mind absorbing and the structure and navigation is simple and ease. Today I came to know the series of books available, which is really astonishing. I personally thank the people behind screen for hosting such an idealistic website from India. Many thanks from heart and soul. S.Ganesh,chennai- 18/7/02
Name : Ramakrishnan
Date : 7/14/2002 12:22:50 PM
Remarks : The new look of the web site is very good .Can u start a question and answer session wherin we can log questions and maharaj can answer the questions .
Name : Annathasan
Date : 7/14/2002 3:32:47 AM
Remarks : Om shanthi. So nice, When I open this site I forget my self, when I heard that music completly I forget my self. Now I start to understanding more about my self and god. I live in London. So many people are rich but they are not happy. because they are always look outside never inside. Now some people start to learn yoga, maditation.
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