Vedanta, the perennial philosophy, is based on the Vedas, the main scripture of the Hindus. It is not based on the life and teachings of any one particular saint or prophet. It is a federation of faiths and a commonwealth of spiritual concepts.
Fundamental Principles:
- Truth is one; sages call it variously. In other words, God is one; people worship Him in different forms.
- Our essential nature is divine.
- Our goal is to realize this divinity.
- The paths to realize this divinity are innumerable. Sri Ramakrishna declared, 'As many faiths, so many paths.'
Vedanta is a way of living and realizing. It gives full freedom to each individual to evolve morally and spiritually according to his or her own faith and conviction. Modern Vedanta is based on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda. It includes various truths found in all religions of the world.
Vedanta teaches that the aim of human life is to realize the divinity.