To read the articles click the underlined article name.
May - 2001
Hymn of Indra
Inexorable Prarabdha
Preparation for Mantra-Diksha
Swami Bhuteshananda
The Decipherment of the Indus Script
And the Vedik Civilization
Swami Mukhyananda
Ramanuja: The Compassionate
Shamil Vayot
What Samkhyans Teach Us
Swami Sunirmalananda
Education is the Manifestation of the
Perfection Already in Man
swami Atmavidananda
Exploring the Mystery of Life
Sampooran singh
Letter to a Friend
A Family of Renouncers
Dr. C. S. shah
Youth Forum
Who is to Blame?
Swami Vivekananda
The Master Teaches: On Buddha
Mother Answers: Removing Evil Thoughts
Vedantic Thought Bomb
Anecdote: He Begged for Others
Poem: I am Fine Thank You
Mission On the March
Book Reviews