1. The birthday of Swami Vivekananda was celebrated at Belur Math on Friday, 24 January. The weather was fine, and thousands of devotees attended the celebration throughout the day. Cooked prasad was served to about 15,000 devotees.
2. Two students of Vivekananda Veda Vidyalaya, Belur Math, were awarded gold medals for ranking all-india first in Purva Madhyama (Higher Secondary) examinations 2002, conducted by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, which has affiliated institutions all over India.
3. Forty-one probationers were initiated into Brahmacharya on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's birthday this year.
4. Swami Gahananandaji inuagurated at the paediatric wing at our Lucknow polyclinic on 7 December.
5. Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Mukut Mithi, accompanied by the State Power Minister Mr. Kento Ete, visited Along centre on 10 January and participated in the Ashramas annual celebrations.
6. Swami Athmasthanandaji , a vice-president of the order, laid the foundation stone for the proposed temple at Ichapore Math on 17 January, the sacred birthday of Srimad Swami Turiyanandaji Maharaj.
7. West Bengal Chief Minister Sri Budhadeb Bhattacharjee visited Narendrapur Ashrama on 18 January and inaugurated the annual celebrations of Lokshiksha Parishad and Blind Boy's Academy. He also participated in a seminar on Bio-diversity and Agriculture organized by the Ashrama.
8. Sri Atal Bihari Vaipayee, Prime Minister on India, Port Blair centre on 19 January and participated in a function organized in this connection.