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Tamil Nadu Drought Relief in

Tanjore, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam Districts

Jan-Feb 2003

The monsoon failure in Tanjore, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam Districts in Tamil Nadu has resulted in a very severe drought. Chennai Sri Ramakrishna Math took up primary relief service to alleviate the sufferings of farmers, at least to a meagre extent. Some of the most affected villages were selected and service was started with the help of Sri Ramakrishna Seva Samithi, Tanjore and Vivekananda Seva Samithi, Thiruvarur.

Primary Phase

i. It was decided to distribute 18 Kg rice per family. The Relief service started on
17 January ended completing the primary phase on 2 February as per the following details.

No. of families : 5492 (from 32 villages in all the 3 Districts)
Total Quantity of Rice : 90.5 tons
Total cost : Rs.12.5 lacs

Besides rice, seven of the families who had lost a member of the family owing to the
drought were also given cash assistance of Rs.2000/- per family (Total Rs.14,000/-).

ii. The villagers seem to have lost all confidence. To revive their confidence was an immediate necessity. So, special puja and offerings were made to the local deities, congregational prayers were arranged for rain, as rain is the ultimate solution for the alleviation of suffering of the villagers. The villagers were briefed about the necessity of education to overcome such drought and other natural calamities. These all created a deep impression upon the villagers. When a reporter from Kumudam Reporter interviewed a woman on her way back after getting the rice, she remarked, Together with rice, they give valuable advice so necessary for us.

2nd Phase

Though we have done the primary relief, a permanent solution has to be found
so that the villagers do not suffer from the vagaries of the weather year after year. It was found that if we can help the villagers with alternate jobs, by introducing small scale or cottage industries, or training them in some field, they will be able to earn their livelihood. So, Nursing Assistant Course for Girls, 2-Wheeler Mechanic Course and Printing & Binding Course for Boys are thought of. Accordingly, counselling was conducted for the candidates. They were briefed about the necessitiy of education and the future prospects of such courses. This was followed by individual interview. Then selection done.

Course Details

Total Expense
1. Nursing Assistants
6 Months
Rs 1,50,000
2. Two-wheeler
6 Months
Rs 50,000
3. General English
2 Months
Rs 10,000
4. Printing & Binding
(Directly on the job)

The total expnses include stipend, uniform dress, books, tuition fees, bus fare etc.

The above-mentioned projects are mainly sponsored by the generous-minded Public.
If more people come forward, more youngsters can be helped out of this bleak situation. We earnestly request one and all to take part in this divine yajna.

Sri Ramakrishna Math, chennai - 600 004

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