Mantrapushpam Compiled by Swami Devarupananda
The 'Mantrapushpam' is a collection of Mantras printed in Devanagari script with Swara marks. It contains hymns from 16 Upanishads, 13 Suktas, as also Rudra, Chamaka and Aruna along with Ghana-Patha and Sama Veda Mantras. Also included are stotras on prominent Gods and Goddesses. One of the easiest methods of approaching the divine is to chant with earnestness the Mantras and meditate on Him with devotion. By divine grace both material prosperity and spiritual fulfilment can be attained. This book will help the young and the old, men and women, to adore the Divine in homes, temples and monasteries, especially during sacred festivals and cultural functions. Students in schools and colleges also will find the chanting gives them a new refreshing outlook on life. Will find the chanting gives them a new refreshing outlook on life.
pages xvi+600 UPC 1100-4 Rs.160.00
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