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Holy Mother, 2003 
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Purpose for which contribution is made :

(**Donations from within India are eligible for Income Tax exemption
under Section 80 (G) of the I.T. Act.)

  • Temple

    Universal Temple dedicated to Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna is an architectural marvel. You can donate for any of the following activities of the Temple. For further details click on 'Temple' or on each activity.

    • Nithya Puja (Daily Puja)
      Sri Ramakrishna Nithya Puja scheme enables you to participate in the daily worship of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna. You can contribute Rs.1000/- or more as endowment donation. This amount will be invested and the interest will be used to conduct nithya puja to Sri Ramakrishna. (Minimum donation Rs.1,000/-)

  • Tithi Puja (Special Puja)

    Donations can either be general donation or Endowment donation.
    In case of Endowment donations, earnings from the Endowment amount will be utilised for the purpose mentioned. Endowment donations should be minimum Rs. 5000/-

  • Sri Sarada Devi Jayanthi
    16 December 2003

  • Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi
    14 January 2004

  • Swami Ramakrishnananda Jayanthi
    27 July 2003

  • Other Direct Disciples Jayanthi

  • Sadhu Seva

    Towards feeding of Sadhus.
    Donations can either be general donation or Endowment donation. In case of Endowment donations, earnings from the Endowment amount will be utilised for the purpose mentioned. Endowment donations should be minimum Rs. 5000/-

  • Cultural

    A permanent exhibition on Swami Vivekananda and Indian Cultural Heritage has been established by the Math at Vivekanandar Illam, Triplicane, Chennai-600 005.
    Donations can either be general donation or Endowment donation. In case of Endowment donations, earnings from the Endowment amount will be utilised for the purpose mentioned. Endowment donations should be minimum Rs. 5000/-


  • Relief

    The Math is engaged in various relief activities. For further details click on 'Relief'.
    Donations can either be general donation or Endowment donation. In case of Endowment donations, earnings from the Endowment amount will be utilised for the purpose mentioned. Endowment donations should be minimum Rs. 5000/-

  • Medical

    The Math is running a fully equipped Charitable Dispensary & Diagnostic Centre since 1925 at its premises. For further details click on 'Medical'. You can either make a general donation for the dispensary or donate for creating an 'Endowment'. Earnings from 'Endowment' donations can either be specified to be used for 'Equipment Fund' or for meeting running expenses:

  • Feeding the Poor

    Donations can either be general donation or Endowment donation. In case of Endowment donations, earnings from the Endowment amount will be utilised for the purpose mentioned. Endowment donations should be minimum Rs. 5000/-

  • Books in English, Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit

  • Magazine: The Vedanta Kesari (English)
    • In spite of financial constraints The Vedanta Kesari has been continuing its service to the readership throughout the world uninterruptedly for more than 100 years. Please join hands to maintain The Vedanta Kesari Permanent Fund to sustain the old magazine. Donations should not be less than Rs. 1000 or US $25. All donations will be thankfully accepted and acknowledged. The names of the donors will be published in the magazine in due time. All donations are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G of the [Indian] I.T. Act, 1961

We welcome your comments : Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai 600 004, India
Phone : 91-44-24621110 (4 Lines) Fax : 91-44-24934589
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