The salient features of the magazine are:
- It carries articles based on the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna, The Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta literature, Upanishads, stories from the Puranas, moral stories, teachings of Great Masters, pictorial stories for children, spiritual questions and answers, self-improvement articles etc.
- The aim of the magazine is to spread noble thoughts and ideas among its readers and especially motivate the youth of the country.
- The magazine is printed on offset Press and contains multi colour pages.
- The magazine is read and preserved by people from all walks of life and presently.
- Enjoys a circulation of 83,000 copies all over India and abroad.
- Has an estimated readership of 20 lakhs.
- Enjoys a circulation of 28,000 copies in Chennai city alone.
- Has 28,000 life members.
- Has 4000 educational institutions and libraries in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry as subscribers
Subscription Rates
- India : Rs. 85.00

- Srilanka, Bangladesh : $ 10.00

- Other Countries : $ 15.00

- India : Rs. 225.00

- Sri Lanka : $ 25.00

- Other Countries : $ 40.00

- India : Rs. 375.00

- Sri Lanka : $ 40.00

- Other Countries : $ 65.00

- India : Rs. 1000.00

- Sri Lanka : $ 200.00

- Other Countries : $ 300.00

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The Manager, Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, Sri Ramakrishna Math,
Mylapore, Chennai 600004, India
Contents Pages from Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam