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150th Birth Anniversary of 
Holy Mother, 2003 
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Tithi Puja     

The birthdays of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramakrishnananda (direct disciple who founded the Chennai Sri Ramakrishna Math) are celebrated grandly. The birthdays of other direct disciples are celebrated with Special Puja, Bhajans and discourse on their Life and Teachings in a simple way.

Donations can be made for these Tithi Puja celebrations. The dates are given below:

22 August 2002 Swami Niranjanananda Jayanti
6 September 2002 Swami Advaitananada Jayanti
1 October 2002 Swami Abhedananda Jayanti
6 October 2002 Swami Akhandananda Jayanti
16 November 2002 Swami Subodhananda Jayanti
18 November 2002 Swami Vijnanananda Jayanti
13 December 2002 Swami Premananda Jayanti
30 December 2002 Swami Shivananda Jayanti
8 January 2003 Swami Saradananda Jayanti
17 January 2003 Swami Turiyananda Jayanti
3 February 2003 Swami Brahmananda Jayanti
5 February 2003 Swami Trigunatitananda Jayanti
16 February 2003 Swami Adbhutananda Jayanti
Donations for the TITHI PUJA can be paid online
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