Besides carrying articles based on the preachings of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and the Vedas, it also carries articles based on the Puranas, historical stories, spirituality, moral stories, life stories of great leaders, special columns for children etc.
The aim of the magazine is to inculcate among its readers reverence for God and love for one's Motherland by carrying character-building messages.
The magazine currently enjoys a circulation of 24,000 and a readership of 2,50,000. The magazine is patronized by people from all walks of life and also Libraries in educational institutions.
Subscription Rates
- India : Rs. 75.00

- Other Countries : $ 15.00

- India : Rs. 215.00

- Other Countries : $ 45.00

- India : Rs. 355.00

- Other Countries : $ 75.00

- India : Rs. 1000.00

- Other Countries : $ 350.00

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The Manager, Sri Ramakrishna Prabha, Sri Ramakrishna Math,
Mylapore, Chennai 600004, India
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