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Civilization and Culture:
An Indian Perspective

Swami Gautamananda

Swami Gautamananda is the President of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai, a trustee of the Ramakrishna Math, and a member of the Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math.

Swami Vivekananda defined civilization as the manifestation of the divinity in man. He again said 'The more advanced a society or nation in spirituality, the more is that society or nation civilized. No nation can be said to have become civilized only because it has succeeded in increasing the comforts of material life by machinery and things of that sort.'1

Dr.Radhakrishnan called culture (of which philosophy is a part) as the foundation on which the structure of a civilization rests. It is the soul which slowly builds for itself a body. The organized habits and institutions of a community help its members to realise its chosen values, its reading of the meaning of life and its purpose.2

Thus good developments in society, politics, health, communications, government, defence and offence systems, commerce etc. can be called 'Civilization'. 'Culture', on the other hand, consists of the philosophy, world-view, the view about the individual self and society, pursuit of values, spirit of self-sacrifice, efforts towards attaining spiritual experience and the like.

One of the important features of a good culture, i.e., spiritual culture, is the 'Idea of universal toleration and sympathy'. The principle of toleration and sympathy was discovered and practised by the Rishis in India even 5000 years back. This is written in their 5000-year old book, Rig Veda, as: 'That which exists is one; sages call It by various names' (Ekam Sat; Viprah Bahudha Vadanti). This dictum is being practised till the present day by the whole nation of Hindus in an unbroken tradition.

As I write these lines, during the month of September 2001, I cannot but be reminded of the barbarous holocaust of September 11th at New York and Washington DC, U.S.A., which is presently convulsing the whole world and will surely leave a bitter memory in world's history. This barbarism is the exact opposite of what has been spoken about as 'good civilization' and culture.

This barbaric act was performed by those who are extremely sectarian in their social and religious outlook. Intolerance and cruelty are the hallmarks of such a culture.

'If we identify the self of man with the body', says Dr.Radhakrishnan, 'and the life's purpose with physical development, we are said to be uncultured, i.e., barbarians.'3

In my recent tour of Europe and U.S.A. visiting about 30 important cities, I saw, in many of those so-called developed countries, the above description of culture in practice. I thought what a pity that all modern education and technical skills did not contribute towards the improvement of the culture of men! They have trained their bodily skills but have not filled their minds and hearts with spiritual values of life. It is very true that only when a nation gives greater importance to the culture of mind than to that of the body, it can attain to higher scales of civilization. Noble thoughts and sentiments are the fountain from which noble achievements of civilization and culture spring.

Swami Vivekananda appreciated the idea that all people cannot be given the spiritual culture all at once. Certainly there must be gradual steps. First, the culture of higher values of life like truthfulness, self-control (which stresses on control and sublimation of lower instincts of sex and greed), sympathy and help to those in need have to be taught. These will lead further to pure 'spiritual culture', which consists mainly in controlling and sublimating desires and then with a desireless, one pointed mind, realising the truth of one's own divine Self and its oneness with the Supreme Self.

Swamiji makes a wonderful statement about a 'world culture' in which he points out that 'The survival of the fittest donor' is the law. 'History of the world shows', he says, 'that each nation, whether from the east or west, has been contributing something to the 'world culture'. The moment any of them stopped giving, that nation has disappeared. Greece and Rome disappeared because of their bankruptcy.' Dr.Radhakrishnan corroborates this thus: 'Chronic war in ancient Greece brought her to an end&. Rome gained the whole world but lost her soul. The irresponsibility of marriage that marked the hey-day of Roman luxury and the beginning of her slide down was outrageous&. The wedding is recorded of a man with his 23rd wife and that of a woman with her 21st husband... and the grandeur that was Rome became extinct.'4

As contrasted with this, Swamiji says, 'that we (the Indian nation) have been living so many thousands of years is a fact that stares us in the face&. The gift of India is the gift of religion and philosophy, wisdom and spirituality.'5 This gift India has been giving even during her most difficult days under foreign rules of the Moghuls and the British and continues the same to this day. For example, after Swami Vivekananda's appearance at the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1893, the Indian spiritual ideas, called VEDANTA, have entered every nation in the world. We find Vedanta societies, Vedantic study groups, Vedantic journals and Vedantin individuals from Australia to America. I was amazed to meet a group of 12, mainly Italian men and women, in a place called HERMITAGE, about 56 miles from ROME in Italy, striving to live a pure Vedantic life--of renunciation, selfless and self-purifying work, study, self-introspection and Vedantic meditation on one's own divine self, the Atman. Similar groups exist in Barcelona (Spain), in Bindsweide (Germany). These are besides the official 35 centres abroad, called Vedanta Societies, of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission all over the world!

Real culture should make men peace-minded, not warmongers. It is reported that a young lady in London asked Swamiji 'What have you Hindus done, you have never conquered a nation'. Swamiji replied, 'That is our glory'. 'It is here', he says, 'that toleration and sympathy have become practical&. It is here that the Hindu builds mosques for Mohammedans and churches for Christians.'6

The central point of such spiritual culture would be to teach every man and woman and child that they are 'Atman, the divine self'. When we think we are bodies, we reduce ourselves from the glorious spiritual selves we are to the worthless material physical body, rather, 'nobody'. Hence Swamiji teaches, 'No good comes out of the man who day and night thinks he is nobody; &. losing faith in oneself is losing faith in God. &. You need not teach them any 'ism'; this is the common 'ism' all through India, this marvellous doctrine of the soul, perfection of the soul.'7

What would happen if this is not done? We get the answer from Chris Butler, considered world's foremost authority on the science of Self-Identity and the author of 'Who are You', 'Reincarnation Explained', 'Drugs, Suicide and Divorce' etc. He answers: 'The result will be hedonism, i.e., the belief that indulgence in several sense-pleasures will bring true satisfaction and happiness'. He further says, 'Endless consumption and emptiness are the chief characteristics of the modern man's religion. That self is also matter is its scripture and the molecular evolutionists are its priests.'8

Real culture of spiritual values must make for the greatness of the soul and strength of the spirit. Such a cultured person can speak truth under showers of bullets and refrain from reprisals even when put on the cross; his universality of outlook would make all attachments and self-interest stupid and superfluous.

A spiritual culture brings morality to the individual and to the society. Dr.Radha-krishnan says, 'Any line of conduct to be moral must contribute to social preservation and harmony which the process of evolution aims at. Anything destructive of human race, or promotes discord, cannot be regarded as moral.'9

When one looks at the amoral life and the activities of the modern people, like premarital sex, promiscuity, teenage sex, alcoholism, violence, rape, drug addiction etc., one shudders to think what backlashes are waiting in the form of decay of national strength and vitality and subsequent national destruction.

The selfishness which is at the root of all sense-enjoyments has reduced the traditional large families to nuclear families of three, i.e., father, mother and child. Now it threatens to go further to families to two only, i.e., couple alone without any child, because a child is considered a hindrance to one's freedom and scope to sense-enjoyments! What else other than destruction can await such a nation? And we see nations in the name of modernity vying with one another in this game of hedonism!

If our culture is to become better, we should address ourself to the defects at the root of our society. Listen to what Swamiji says: 'We should not allow mere individual pleasures or mere satisfaction of animal instincts to run loose in society. The result must be evil children, wicked and demoniacal. Every country wants to control these brutes by police force. (But) why not prevent the very birth of this evil?'10

We require spiritual culture which treats all mankind as a 'divine family'. 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'. This would naturally ensure amity and peace among people. Otherwise, people would believe only in the use of force to get every demand of theirs fulfilled and there would be continual strife and struggle.

Wrong Ideas of Civilization

Most of the westerners feel that political, economic or military success is the hall- mark of a good civilization. They sang the praise of Japan's civilization when it defeated Russia. If that was right, then we should also praise the civilization of those barbarians who overran the Roman Empire! Dr. Radhakrishnan says: "Civilization is not in technical efficiency. A monkey trained to smoke, drink and ride a bicycle will still be a monkey only. Civilization is in our moral conceptions, religious ideas and social outlook.'11

Modern civilization has made our people physically strong through good food, medicine, recreation and rest. It has developed science and technology which have given best communications, comforts and control over large areas of earth. It has given national cohesion, and patriotic zeal. So far so good.

But what they have not given are also not a few. Firstly, the so-called developed nations lack sympathy for the under-developed nations. The cause of the under- developed state can be traced directly to their subjugation and exploitation by the developed nations themselves. But they look down upon the underdeveloped ones as 'uncivilized' which is nothing but adding insult to injury.

Secondly, in spite of excess resources of food, raiment and other comforts, they (rich nations) would not share them with the poor, suffering nations. They would rather feed the milk and grains to the cattle than give them to the poor of other countries to keep up their market prices high! Under these circumstances, we feel the great need of a spiritual culture for all nations which would make them gladly share joys with others.

Thirdly, we see democracy working in almost all developed countries but common people are not happy. Why? Because of the lack of the important element of 'fraternity', the divine brotherhood, seeing in every other being a child of God, the father of us all. We know that liberty, equality and fraternity together form the three strong legs of the tripod of democracy.

This fraternity can come only through a spiritual culture, a culture by which we realise that mankind is a divine family. For want of this culture every democracy is tottering wildly.

Fourthly, we find most of the educated have nothing like 'a goal of their life'. Their life goes like a rudderless boat or a compass-less ship on the uncharted ocean. 'Spiritual or God realisation' said the Vedic seers 'is the goal of life'. Their life as well as the lives of all great prophets and saints of the world are examples of fearlessness, freedom, contentment, compassion and service to fellow beings. They were really fulfilled men and women who should be emulated by our moderners if they want fulfilment in life.

Fifthly, to achieve such a spiritual goal, one requires disciplines of truthfulness, purity, selfless service, absence of selfishness, prayer, self-confidence through constant remembrance of one's own divine nature etc. 'Values of life' as these are called, have their foundation in a 'the spiritual goal of our life'. Our civilization is in dire need of this spiritual goal to its life. Otherwise we can never give a 'rationale' why we should be good, truthful, honest, helpful or well-behaved with other members of the society.

Last, but not the least, is the dignity of every man and woman which can only be established on the central truth of 'the divinity of man'. 'Everything here is Divine', 'Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma' as the Vedas say. From this flows equality of all beings, calling for sympathy and service to all, irrespective of their nation, race, religion, or gender.

This is the greatest benefit that a spiritual culture can confer on humanity afflicted as it is with so many man-made barriers and bickerings. The sooner the nations of the earth awaken to this truth and do the needful to stabilize their civilizations on spiritual foundation, the better for them.

Material life leads only to great frustration and self-destruction. For example Freddie Prinze (of Poertorica), rose from the ghettos of New York to become a famous Hollywood comedian. He owned his own T.V.series 'the Chico and the man' and was a multi-multi-millionaire. After having the fill of sensual pleasures, he questioned, 'Is there anything more to life than this wealth, possession, fame etc.?' Shortly after, the 22-year youth shot himself to death.12

The message is loud and clear that spiritual, not material culture can give real lasting joy and fulfilment. Now let us hear Swami Vivekananda who beckons all nations to this great truth as follows:

'&&heroic souls are wanted to help the spread of truth. The world wants it; without it the world will be destroyed. The whole of western world is on a volcano which may burst tomorrow & they have drunk deep of the cup of pleasure and found it vanity. Now is the time to work so that India's spiritual ideas may penetrate deep into the west.'13

We have already heard him talk about the desirability of mutual exchange of cultures between East and West. Meditation must enter the West and action must enter the East. Thus there would be an evolution of a new vigorous 'world culture', where spiritual men of highest realisations would be spreading their message of 'Tat Tvam Asi', 'Thou Art That Divine' to everyone. Such awakened men would be working heroically day and night for the upliftment, step by step, of the poorest and the lowliest of every part of the world so that they may also realise the highest truths and live a blessed life. Thus a spiritual culture alone can ensure a better world of peace, love and sympathy, making mankind a veritable family of God.


1. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda,462; hereafter CW
2. Kalki, p.37
3. Ibid, p.39
4. Ibid, p-51
5. CW, 3.273
6. CW, 3.113/4
7. CW, 3-376
8. Who are You? p.201
9. Kalki, p-65
CW, 3-408
Kalki, p.45
Who are You? p.41
CW, 3.277

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