To read the articles click the underlined article name.
December - 2002
Taittiriya Upanishad
Sri Ramakrishna’s Words
Swamiji on Shruti and Smritis
Universal Codes to Organize Life
The Spiritual Background of Indian Polity
Swami Ranganathananda
Some Codes from Manusmriti
Swami Siddhinathananda
Ashrama Duties in the Modern Context
Swami Mukhyananda
Swamiji and the Four Purushârthas
Swami Gautamananda
Do’s and Don’ts for the Modern Age
Swami Satyapriyananda
Smritis Down the Ages
Swami Kritarthananda
What is Dharma?
Swami Tattwamayananda
Varna Duties and Castes in Modern Context
Swami Sarvasthananda
Swamiji Interprets Sri Ramakrishna’s Teachings
Swami Sunirmalananda
Moksha vis-a-vis the Four Yogas
Swami Sarvagananda
Vivekananda Smriti Applied to Daily Life
Swami Vipapmananda
Modern Man, Mind and the Meaning of Mythology
Swami Satyamayananda
Work and Its Goal
Swami Tyagarupananda
Smritis and Their Application to Modern Society
Major H. Subramanian
Universal Application of Karma Yoga
Dr. N V C Swamy
Holy Mother’s Guide to Living
Swami Vimurtananda
Anecdotes : i.My Carrot
ii. All Are One
iii. Kindness of the Poor
iv. A Divine Face
v. Days of Mourning
vi. May Their Creed Proliferate
vii. Meypporul Nayanar
New Finds
Parables: i. False Superiority
ii. Common Sense
Poems: A Good Creed
Points to Ponder: Develop Thinking Habit
Practical Hints: i. U-Turn
ii. Make Your Food Pure
Vedantic Thought for the Month