To read the articles click the underlined article name.
March - 2001
adhyatma ramayana
Hymn of Shiva
Saving Faith
Reminiscences of Swami Premananda
Swami Omkarananda
Narsee Mehta, the Poet-Saint of Gujarat
Swami Kritarthananda
Lessons on Renunciation
Swami Trigunatitananda
Swami Vivekananda's Concept of Universal Religion
Fr. Sony Kalladanthiyil
Technology: A Unifying Force for the Nation
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Sri Ramakrishna and Our Stranded
Freudian Writers
Swami Ranganathananda
Pandits and Shashtrarthas
Swami Medhasananda
Thomas Aquinas…
Gordon Stavig
Book Reviews
Youth Forum: Purpose of Meditation
The Master Teaches: On Radha
Mother Answers: Fixing the Mind on God
Symbol: Bull
Vedantic Thought Bomb
Anecdote: Conserve Water
Poems: The Flute
Hymn to Sri Ramakrishna
Mission on the March