Pilgrimages are beneficial in many ways. The chief advantage is that we are able to meet holy people and serve them. Another advantage is that worldly thoughts tend to decrease in such places and there is constant remembrance of God. This is of great help in our spiritual progress. We gain much spiritual knowledge also.
Swami Brahmananda
Sri Ramakrishna Math in Chennai is a place of pilgrimage, as it is sanctified by the visits and stay of exceptionally holy souls. A few of such visits:
Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi
It was in February 1911, when the Math was in the old building (now not in existence) that Swami Ramakrishnananda made arrangements for Mother's visit. Along with her eight companions, Mother was accommodated in a two-storeyed house rented near the then Math. Here she initiated many devotees. Due to her extraordinary power of transmitting ideas, even without the help of interpreters, she could make the newcomers understand the mantras and the processes of japa and dhyana.
Her one-month-stay is a landmark in the history of Chennai Math.
Swami Brahmananda
Swami Brahmananda, the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna, visited Chennai Math several times. In fact, he laid the foundation stone for the earlier temple (1916) and he himself dedicated it (1917). On many occasions he had high spiritual experiences in this temple. Swami Shivananda, Mahapurush Maharaj, stayed here more than once.
Swami Vijnanananda visited the Math in 1932 and 1933.