The force which leads and sustains the Ramakrishna Order is a new type of monasticism in which work for the good of humanity plays an important role. This ideal of work is a unique contribution of Swami Vivekananda and has at least four distinct aspects.
First, a new work-ethic has been created for the first time through this ideal. Hindu spirituality had looked down upon karma as an expendable preliminary, and traditional sannyasins (monks) considered themselves above this need. Through this work-ethic, work is raised to the level of worship of God in all.
Secondly, work is looked upon as a means of manifesting the potential divinity of the worker and this means the divinization of all secular activities.
Thirdly, it helps the Order as a whole to maintain a good relation with society.
Fourthly, it enhances the dignity of the monk. He is no more looked upon as a parasite on society. He earns his livelihood through work and does not become a burden to society.