1. Swami Smarananandaji the General Secretary visited Delhi on 9 September. From there he went to Turkey on the following day and participated in an inter-religious conference on Dialogue for Peace: The Contribution of Religions to Living Together organized by Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, on 12 September. On his way back to India he visited our Bourne End centre, UK, from the 14th to 19th. He returned to Belur Math via Delhi on 21 September.
2. Kankurgachhi (Yogodyan) centre has launched a web site with address www.yogodyan.org.
3. At Antpur Math, Swami Gahananandaji a vice-president of the Order inaugurated, on 1 September, the newly renovated part of the ancestral house of Srimat Swami Premanandaji Maharaj where Holy Mother had stayed on two occasions, once in 1889 and again in 1894.
4. A teacher of our Along school received National as well as State Award for Teachers on 5 September, the Teachers’ Day.
5. At Ichapur Math, Swami Gahananandaji declared open the newly constructed dispensary building on 12 September.
6. On 20 September, Uttar Pradesh governor Sri Vishnukant Shastri inaugurated the biomedical waste management complex at Lucknow Sevashrama and released a souvenir brought out on this occasion.
7. Swami Atmasthanandaji a vice-president of the Order laid the foundation-stone for the proposed Gita Darshanam building (an audio-visual museum delineating some of the themes of the Gita and the Upanishads) at Hyderabad Math on 22 September.
8. Swami Gahananandaji laid the foundation-stone for the proposed dispensary building at Contai Sevashrama on 25 September.
9. The following centres conducted free eye camps:
Sl. No.
Duration of the Camp
No. of patients operated on
No. of patients screened
No. of outdoor patients
Chandipur Math
6&7 September
19 September
Puri Math
21&22 September
Camp : 21 September
Surgeries : 23 to 30 September