To read the articles click the underlined article name.
April - 2001
Hymn of Indra
Inexorable Prarabdha
Preparation for Mantra-Diksha
Swami Bhuteshananda
Samarth Ramdas :
The Monk of a Special Class
Swami Kritarthananda
Where Religions Meet
Swami Smaranananda
Advaita Vedanta
as the Quest for Knowledge
Dr. C. S. Shah
Wake up to Light
Swami Pramathananda
The Mystery of Mental Healing
Dr. Indranil Basu Ray
A Patient Becomes a Doctor
Swami Shivananda
The Eternal Message of Jain Wisdom
Duli Chand Jain
Youth Forum
Self-Tendings of One's Yet Unformed
Tender Character
Swami Budhananda
The Master Teaches: On Sita
Mother Answers: On Who is Our Own
Symbol: Moon
Vedantic Thought Bomb
Anecdote: My God the Afflicted
Angels Unknown at Bhuj: A Doctor
Book Reviews