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        Author            Author      Date   
Time Management Swami Brahmeshananda 2003 October
Fear of Death Swami Adiswarananda 2003 October
Glimpses of the Past Swami Vireswarananda 2003 October
When Delhi Is the Destination 2003 October
Impact of Prophets on the Human Mind Swami Tathagatananda 2003 September
Fear of Death Swami Adiswarananda 2003 September
The Eternal Message of the Gita Swami Siddheswarananda 2003 September
The Art of Knowing ‘the Known’ 2003 September
Waking Up from the Waking State 2003 August
The Human Condition Paul Y. F. Loke 2003 August
Impact of Prophets on the Human Mind Swami Tathagatananda 2003 August
Message of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Vireswarananda 2003 August
Sri Ramakrishna and Vedanta Swami Bhuteshananda 2003 July
Perfection Can Only Be in Spirit Mrs. Alka Mahajan 2003 July
Youth and Self-Mastery Swami Paramananda 2003 July
Doubt Goeth Before a Fall 2003 July
Youth and Self-Mastery Swami Paramananda 2003 June
Overcoming Anger - II Swami Budhananda 2003 June
Reminiscences of Mahapurush Maharaj Ramanikumar Dattagupta 2003 June
All about Personality Development 2003 June
Youth and Education in Life-skills - II Devdas 2003 May
All about Personality Development 2003 May
Towards a Meaningful Life Swami Swahananda 2003 May
Overcoming Anger - I Swami Budhananda 2003 May
Integrated Personality Swami Budhananda 2003 April
The Child Smiled R. Prabhu 2003 April
Towards a Meaningful Life Swami Swahananda 2003 April
The Life Divine 2003 April
The Eternal Messages of the Gita Swami Siddheshwarananda 2003 April
The Meta-Visionary Experiences of
Sri Ramakrishna
Chengiah Ragaven 2003 March
Dialogue for Peace Swami Smaranananda 2003 March
The Life Divine Editorial 2003 March
Integrated Personality Swami Budhananda 2003 March
Integrated Personality:
The Crucial Need of the Youth
Swami Budhananda 2003 February
The Khasi Concept of God R.T. Rymbai 2003 February
Seeing Brahman with Open Eyes Swami Siddheswarananda 2003 February
Leadership: A Leader in a Ship Editorial 2003 February
Holy Mother and Her Message on Mother's Day Joanne Kilgour Dowdy 2003 January
Youth and Education in Life Skills-I Devdas 2003 January
Washing the Dirty Linen 2003 January
The Holy Mother Swami Gautamananda 2003 January
Universal Application of Karma Yoga Dr. N V C Swamy 2002 December
Smritis and Their Application to Modern Society Major H. Subramanian 2002 December
Modern Man, Mind and the Meaning of Mythology Swami Satyamayananda 2002 December
Universal Codes to Organize Life 2002 December
The Spiritual Background of Indian Polity Swami Ranganathananda 2002 December
Ashrama Duties in the Modern Context Swami Mukhyananda 2002 December
Swamiji and the Four Purushârthas Swami Gautamananda 2002 December
Do’s and Don’ts for the Modern Age Swami Satyapriyananda 2002 December
What is Dharma? Swami Tattwamayananda 2002 December
Swamiji Interprets Sri Ramakrishna’s Teachings Swami Sunirmalananda 2002 December
Reminiscences of the Holy Mother Sudhir Chandra Samui 2002 November
In Memory of 11th September Swami Gautamananda 2002 November
Peru: Its Culture and Civilization Alan Hunter 2002 November
Harnessing Youth Potential 2002 November
Unity in Diversity Swami Shantarupananda 2002 October
In the Mother's Company Swami Nirvanananda 2002 October
Peru: Its Culture and Civilization Alan Hunter 2002 October
Harnessing Youth Potential 2002 October
What Vedanta Means to Me Platt Cline 2002 September
Spiritual Talks Swami Vishuddhananda 2002 September
Vedanta in America: Challenge and Opportunity Swami Tyagananda 2002 September
Harnessing Youth Potential 2002 September
A Unique Definition of Man 2002 August
Reality and Relations Swami Siddheswarananda 2002 August
Swami Adbhudananda Swami Gautamananda 2002 August
Military Discipline and
Its Relevance in Civil Life
Lt. Col. (Retd) N. C. Guha 2002 August
Standard of Living: Myth or Reality Sri P. S. Sundaram 2002 July
Is Bhakti So Easy? Swami Brahmeshananda 2002 July
Mother’s Grace Swami Apurvananda 2002 July
Violence and Its Remedy
2002 July
Covering or Discovering ? 2002 June
Development of Quality Debdas 2002 June
Yamunacharya : The Saint of Sri Vaishnavism Swami Kritarthananda 2002 June
Mother’s Grace Swami Apurvananda 2002 June
On Asana Swami Brahmeshananda 2002 May
Swamiji : As I See Him Sumitora Noma 2002 May
Mother’s Grace Swami Apurvananda 2002 May
Thy Formless Beauty Sparkles in the Dark 2002 May
Fear of Old Age Swami Adiswarananda 2002 April
Sri Ramakrishna Mahendra Nath Gupta (M.) 2002 April
The Divine Delegates 2002 April
Turning Within Swami Brahmeshananda 2002 April
Know About the Ramakrishna Order Swami Tapasyananda 2002 March
Come One, Come All! 2002 March
In the Presence of Mother Swami Saradeshananda 2002 March
Fear of Old Age Swami Adiswarananda 2002 March
Modern Genetics and the Ancient Gita P.Govindarajan 2002 February
Fear of Old Age Swami Adiswarananda 2002 February
The Ever Free 2002 February
Know About the Ramakrishna Order Sawmi Tapasyananda 2002 February
The Strangeness of the Stranger Editorial 2002 January
In the Presence of the Mother Swami Saradeshananda 2002 January
Some Eternal Questions Swami Brahmeshananda 2002 January
Spirituality as Panacea for Misplaced Feminism Manjula Bordia 2002 January
Ramakrishna Mission's Contribution to Cultural Transformation Swami Smaranananda 2001 December
Civilization and Culture:An Indian Perspective Swami Gautamananda 2001 December
Enrichment of Culture by the Gita Swami Ranganathananda 2001 December
Tibet's Contribution to World Culture H. H. Dalai Lama 2001 December
America and Her Culture Swami Atmajnanananda 2001 December
USSR: Myth as Reality Liliana Malkova 2001 December
Indian Culture Swami Vivekananda 2001 December
Culture and Military Ethics General (retd.) Shankar Roychowdhury 2001 December
The Ramakrishna Tradition: A Culture by Itself Linda Prugh 2001 December
Culture and Civilization: Prospects of a Universal Mono-formula Editorial 2001 December
Contribution of Hinduism to World Culture Swami Mukhyananda 2001 December
Spiritual Talks Swami Vishuddhananda 2001 November
Tackling Problems of Old Age Swami Brahmeshananda 2001 November
Many Holes Stitched Together Editorial 2001 November
At the Feet of the Holy Mother Swamis Haripremananda & Saradeshananda 2001 November
Seeing, Yet Not Seeing Editorial 2001 October
Swami Shuddhananda Swami Abjajananda 2001 October
Consciousness Swami Satswarupananda 2001 October
Japa Yoga Swami Prameyananda 2001 October
Education As Viewed
by Swami Vivekananda
Swami Shivamayananda 2001 September
Mind According to Hindu
Philosophical Systems
Swami Harshananda 2001 September
Consciousness Swami Satswarupananda 2001 September
If Every Work Were a Worship Editorial 2001 September
A Corporate Values Revolution Richard Barret 2001 August
O Karma, Are Thy Ways Inscrutable? Editorial 2001 August
He Loved All Swami Nirantarananda 2001 August
The New Museum at Belur Math Swami Ranganathananda 2001 August
The Wishing Tree Subhash Kak 2001 July
The Evergreen Gita Swami Brahmeshananda 2001 July
I Love to Eat Sugar,
I Do Not Want to Become Sugar
Scott Douglas Niedfeldt 2001 July
The Power of Attorney Editorial 2001 July
That is Belur Math Naresh Chandra Chakraborty 2001 June
Blessed Misery Editorial 2001 June
The Wishing Tree Subhash Kak 2001 June
Back to the Basics Swami Bodhamayananda 2001 June
What Samkhyans Teach Us Swami Sunirmalananda 2001 May
Preparation for Mantra-Diksha Swami Bhuteshananda 2001 May
Inexorable Prarabdha Editorial 2001 May
Exploring the Mystery of Life Sampooran singh 2001 May
Inexorable Prarabdha Editorial 2001 April
The Mystery of Mental Healing Dr. Indranil Basu Ray 2001 April
Where Religions Meet Swami Smaranananda 2001 April
Preparation for Mantra-Diksha Swami Bhuteshananda 2001 April
Reminiscences of Swami Premananda Swami Omkarananda 2001 March
Sri Ramakrishna and Our Stranded
Freudian Writers
Swami Ranganathananda 2001 March
Saving Faith Editorial 2001 March
Technology: A Unifying Force for the Nation Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 2001 March
The Defective Dice Editorial 2001 February
Reminiscences of Swami Shivananda Swami Aptakamananda 2001 February
The Living Shiva of Varanasi Swami Kritarthananda 2001 February
She Alone Lived Sudesh 2001 February
Significance of Swami Vivekananda's Message G.M.C. Balayogi 2001 February
Hinduism and Cloning Arvind Sharma 2001 February
Reminiscences of Swami Shivananda Swami Aptakamananda 2001 January
Renunciation and Spiritual Practice Swami Yatiswarananda 2001 January
The Holistic Perception of Reality Prof. P. Krishna 2001 January
The Voice of God Editorial 2001 January
The Art of Balanced Spiritual Living Sri Daya Mata 2000 December
The Master Answers:
How Ought We to live in the World?
Compilation 2000 December
Life and How to Live It Swami Vivekananda 2000 December
Purpose of Life: To Be Rendered Prasad Swami Vidyatmananda 2000 December
Living a Spiritual Life Valson Thampu 2000 December
Making Life out of a Life Swami Ranganathananda 2000 December
Spiritual Talks Swami Nirvanananda 2000 November
God in Everything Editorial 2000 November
Divine Law and Divine Grace Swami Satprakashananda 2000 November
Swami Subodhananda,
the 'Boy Mystic'
Pravrajika Madhavaprana 2000 November
Purity Editorial 2000 October
Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Aseshananda 2000 October
Disciplines of Vedanta Swami Ghanananda 2000 October
Spiritual Talks Swami Omkarananda 2000 October
Immediate Relevance of
Swami Vivekananda's Message
Swami Atmaramananda 2000 October
Need for a New Temple of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Swahananda 2000 September
Meditation Swami Bhuteshananda 2000 September
Beyond Stress Editorial 2000 September
Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Kasiswarananda 2000 September
Renunciation and Spiritual Practice Swami Omkarananda 2000 August
Swami Adbhutananda Swami Bhuteshananda 2000 August
The History and Philosophy of Famine-III Swami Trigunatita 2000 August
Stress and how to Cope with It Editorial 2000 August
Surrender to God Editorial 2000 July
Relevence of Non-dualism Swami Nihshreyasananda 2000 July
The History and Philosophy of Famine-II Swami Trigunatita 2000 July
Spiritual Teachings Swami Yatiswarananda 2000 July
Culture as an Element of Development Swami Gautamananda 2000 June
Spiritual Teachings Swami Yatiswarananda 2000 June
The History and Philosophy of Famine - I Swami Trigunatita 2000 June
Brahmacharya - II Editorial 2000 June
The Virtue of Continence
Editorial 2000 May
Vivekananda: A Harbinger of Harmony Swami Chetanananda 2000 May
The Religion of the Future and
the Future of Religion
Swami Ashokananda 2000 May
Spiritual Teachings Swami Yatiswarananda 2000 May
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