In Sarada Devi, one sees realized that wisdom and sweetness to which the simplest of women may attain. And yet, to myself the stateliness of her courtesy and her great open mind are almost as wonderful as her sainthood. Her life is one long stillness of prayer.
Sister Nivedita
The life of The Holy Mother was so gentle, simple and holy that Sister Nivedita once wrote in a letter
Dearest Mother, I wish we could send you a wonderful hymn, or a prayer. But somehow even that would seem too loud, too full of noise! Surely you are the most wonderful thing of Sri Ramakrishna's own chalice of his love for the world, a token left with his children in these lonely days, and we should be very still and quiet before you, except indeed for a little fun!
Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi was the divine consort of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, and forms an integral part of his spiritual self and of the saving message he delivered to humanity. Born on December 22, 1853 at Jayrambati in rural West Bengal, she was married to Sri Ramakrishna as a young girl of five and came to Dakshineswar to live with him at the age of eighteen. Not only was there no carnality in the relation of this divine couple, Sri Ramakrishna worshipped her as the Divine Mother Herself. Sarada Devi, after his passing away, accepted the mantle of his spiritual mission and became the Mother for all his followers. Her compassion was unconditional. Sinners and saints found equally affectionate welcome in her presence. Living like a common woman doing all the household chores, she could yet lift those who sought her to great spiritual heights. Even after she left her mortal coil on July 20, 1920, her children around the world feel her affectionate care in their lives. She was purity personified and was a living demonstration of the ideal of the motherhood of God.
- My child, austerities or worship, practise all these things right now. Will these things be possible later on? Whatever you want to achieve, achieve it now, this is the right time.
- What else does one obtain by the realization of God? Does a person grow two horns? No. One's mind becomes pure, and through a pure mind, one attains knowledge and awakening.
- One who has a pure mind sees everything pure.
- The best ornament of a woman is her modesty.
- If my child gets covered with mud or dust, is it not my duty to cleanse him and take him on my lap?
- Difficulties come. But they do not last for ever. You will see that they pass away like water under a bridge.
- I am the mother of the wicked, as I am the mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, just say to yourself 'I have a mother'.
- If you want peace, don't find fault with others, but find your own faults. Learn to make the world your own. Nobody is a stranger, my dear, the world is yours.