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Durgacharan Nag, affectionately called as Nag Mahasaya, is one of the illustrious lay disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.

He was a doctor by profession.

Once he cured a critically ill patient in the house of his father's employer and in gratitude was offered a silver casket filled with rupees as payment. But he courteously declined to accept it and asked for only twenty rupees as his legitimate remuneration. His father was infuriated when he heard of it and said, 'You will never succeed in your profession, I tell you, if you go on this way'. But Durga Charan replied: 'I cannot help it. What I believe to be wrong, I cannot do, come what may. God is Truth. Have you not always taught me to walk in the path of righteousness? In all conscience, how could I have demanded more? False conduct brings ruin.'

To know more read - They Lived with God

Fight for A Just Cause   
Durgacharan Nag
Durgacharan Nag
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