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Rani Rasmani was the one who built the temple of Dakshineswar where Sri Ramakrishna lived and preached.

Rasmani always fought for just cause. It was not her intention to embarrass of challenge the government unnecessarily. On the other hand, during the critical time of the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857, she helped the government by providing food, livestock, and other necessities. This benevolent action was much appreciated by the British Government.

Some of the soldiers, however, were not so appreciative. There was a British army barracks near Rasmani's home, some of whose soldiers often robbed and persecuted passers-by and looted neighbourhood shops. One day a few drunken soldiers were molesting a person on the street. Rasmani's sons-in-law noticed it from their roof and they could not bear it. They ordered their guards to drive the drunken soldiers away, and in the process one of the soldiers was wounded. The soldiers then returned to their barracks and reported their plight to their friends. Immediately a group of angry soldiers ran out and attacked Rasmani's palace. Her guards tried to resist them but they failed, as the soldiers were well armed and outnumbered them. Some of the guards were wounded and others ran away. Rasmani ordered all of her relatives to flee through a back door but did not try to save her own life. With an open sword in hand, she stood guard at the door of the shrine. Fortunately the soldiers did not come to that part of the house. They ransacked most of the palace, destroying expensive chanderliers, furniture, pictures, paintings, windows, and musical instruments. They mercilessly killed Rasmani's pet peacock and other birds and animals. The vandalism continued until ten o'clock at night. Mathur was not at home during the attack. When he returned and discovered what was going on inside the palace, he immediately went to the barracks and met the commanding officer, who rushed to the palace with Mathur and sounded a bugle. The soldiers then returned to their barracks. After this terrible incident Rasmani appointed twelve trustworthy English soldiers to protect her palace for two years. She also collected compensation from the British Government for the damage to her property.

Want to know more about Rani Rasmani? Read :

  1. Sri Ramakrishna The Great Master
  2. They Lived with God
Never Waste   
Rani Rasmani
Rani Rasmani
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