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150th Birth Anniversary of 
Holy Mother, 2003 
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Holy Mother highly disapproved of carelessness and waste. Once, after sweeping the courtyard, someone threw the broom aside carelessly. She reprimanded the person, saying that the broom could have been treated a little more gently. Everything should be shown proper respect.

On another occasion, she expressed her displeasure because an empty basket was thrown away by someone. She said that the basket is, no doubt, a trivial thing, but nonetheless it could have been preserved for some other useful purpose.

One day she gave a disciple a special dish of food that she had prepared. The quantity was too great. He ate what he could and was about to throw away the rest when the Mother asked him to give it to a poor neighbour. Afterwards she said to the disciple: "We should give everyone his due. What is not edible for man, give to a cow; what is not edible for a cow, give to a dog; what is not edible for a dog, throw into a lake for fishes to eat. But never waste".

  1. Books on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (In English)
  2. Books on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (In Tamil)
  3. Books on Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (In Telugu)
Sri Sarada Devi
Sri Sarada Devi
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