Gopaler-Ma's original name was Aghoramani Devi. She was called Gopaler-Ma ('Gopala's Mother') because of her fervent devotion to the infant Gopala (or Krishna), which culminated in his appearing before her as a child. She attained this high mystic experience by living a life of austerity and renunciation, and through her steadfast love for her chosen deity, Krishna.
Gopaler-Ma was married at the age of nine. But her husband died before the marriage was consummated, leaving her a widow. After the death of her parents she lived an austere life in a temple garden. She practised severe austerities, such as sleeping on the floor, bathing three times and eating one meal a day, worship, japa, and meditation.
In 1884 she first met Sri Ramakrishna. He recognized her spiritual magnitude and said, 'Ah! What a beautiful expression she has on her face! She is floating in the ocean of bliss and devotion. Her eyes are soaked with divine love.'
After meeting Sri Ramakrishna, Gopaler-Ma's spiritual practices acquired momentum and she started experiencing more and more spiritual visions. Sri Krishna became a living reality for her, and he as a small child started playing with her. She even got the vision of him as 'the indweller of all beings.' After this experience she addressed all men, women, and children as 'Gopala'.
Once, being asked for some advice, Gopaler-Ma said: 'Ask advice from Gopala. He is within you. No one can give better advice than He. This is the truth. Cry with a longing heart and you will reach Him.'