Yogin-Ma's original name was Yogindra Mohini Biswas. Her life is a glowing example of the ancient Indian ideal of austere womanhood. She combined in her personality great poise and sweetness with a spirit of service and rare spiritual wisdom. She was one of Sri Ramakrishna's prominent women disciples.
She was married to a wealthy man. But to her dismay she found he was a drunkard and libertine. Obviously her life was full of sorrows and trials. She patiently bore everything. When she could not bear it anymore, she severed her relationship with him and returned to her parental home.
In 1882 she met Sri Ramakrishna for the first time. Right from her first meeting with Sri Sarada Devi she was attracted to her, and she became her constant companion.
Yogin-ma was a woman of strong determination. Whatever she undertook she carried out with perfection. After practising spiritual disciplines for sometime according to the Master's instruction, she decided that Calcutta was not a suitable place for such practices. She went to Vrindaban and continued her spiritual practices there. After the passing away of the Master she returned and started living with Sri Sarada Devi.
She was a woman of high spiritual attainments. Once at a Vrindaban temple she became so much absorbed in samadhi that the attendant closed the doors and went away. After much search she was found out, and only after repeating the Master's name in her ears she came to normal consciousness. Later she said: 'I was then in such a high spiritual mood that I even forgot whether the world existed or not'.
Sri Sarada Devi had great regard for not only her spiritual attainments but also for her practical wisdom. She would consult Yogin-Ma in domestic affairs. After Sri Sarada Devi's passing away in 1920, Yogin-Ma felt a tremendous void in her mind. She longed to join Mother and the Master. As the Master had predicted, 'she gave up her body in a state of jnana ' in 1924.